Bullet Journal

GTD and Analog Journaling

I’ve been managing my work life, and to a large extent my home life as well, using a GTD system since reading David Allen‘s Book Getting Things Done in 2006.  Frankly, it’s the only way I can stay sane — trying to juggle all the things in my head that go on with work, school,…

Nirvana GTD

GTD Review: Nirvana

Overview Along with Doit.im, Nirvana is one of the best implementations of a GTD system I’ve seen. These two applications have the same major shortcoming: there is no single Next Action in a project; all new tasks are created as “Next”.  I don’t really understand how two companies that build such apt tools for use…


GTD Review: Doit.im

Overview I’ve actually been using Doit.im (Snoworange Inc.) for about six months since I started my comparison of GTD systems.  I needed a solution for managing my work projects while I reviewed additional systems, and so I narrowed my list of potential solutions to four or five and this was one of them.  Due to…

TodoMatrix on Blackberry

GTD Review: TodoMatrix Professional

Overview TodoMatrix is the task management application that I used previously.  With this in mind, I’m documenting it as a baseline rather than as a product to consider.  My primary reason for leaving it for another application is that it does not offer the span of device/platform compatibility that I need.  Some folks who rely…

GTD Quick Reference Chart

Finding the Right GTD System

This is the first in a series of articles reviewing the best GTD applications and summarizing their features, then selecting a winner to replace my current GTD application. Years ago, a friend told me about the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology.  I had expressed frustration with trying to juggle everything going on in my life…