Jimmy Fallon and Quest Love sing with Sesame Street cast

Jimmy Fallon and Quest Love

Admittedly, I’ve never paid much attention to Jimmy Fallon (except for the occasional skit with Timberlake) and I couldn’t have told you who Questlove was a month ago. My wife is currently reading Questlove’s memoirs and I actually find myself now waiting for her to finish so that I can read it as well. All of…

Feel Empowered, Cancel Comcast

Several months ago, we decided to cancel our home telephone.  There were a number of factors that went into this decision.  For example, we were paying more than $50/month for a phone number that was really only used for my wife to talk with her month each weekend and the occasional work-related conference call.  Perhaps…

The Dark Knight Rises

So, Jen and I went to see The Dark Knight Rises, Part 1 today at the movie theater.  I have to say that was a really good movie.  It didn’t hurt that scenes Anne Hathaway in tight leather pants were scattered throughout the film. Overall, it was as good as the two previous ones that…