Organized Vehicle Trunk

Essential Things for Your Car

When I went to school in Pennsylvania, I had to get all kinds of things to store in my car that I didn’t need at home in Florida, such as an ice scraper, a first aid kit (much of the area was very rural) or a thick blanket. Having been in law enforcement, I was…

The Girls in Savannah

Labor Day in Savannah

We typically vacation in  Savannah each year for our anniversary, having honeymooned there and really enjoyed it enough to go back each year.  Jen’s best friend and her husband typically vacation in Myrtle Beach each summer and we decided to meet up for a weekend in Savannah since they had never been there. We usually…

Nirvana GTD

GTD Review: Nirvana

Overview Along with, Nirvana is one of the best implementations of a GTD system I’ve seen. These two applications have the same major shortcoming: there is no single Next Action in a project; all new tasks are created as “Next”.  I don’t really understand how two companies that build such apt tools for use…


GTD Review:

Overview I’ve actually been using (Snoworange Inc.) for about six months since I started my comparison of GTD systems.  I needed a solution for managing my work projects while I reviewed additional systems, and so I narrowed my list of potential solutions to four or five and this was one of them.  Due to…

TodoMatrix on Blackberry

GTD Review: TodoMatrix Professional

Overview TodoMatrix is the task management application that I used previously.  With this in mind, I’m documenting it as a baseline rather than as a product to consider.  My primary reason for leaving it for another application is that it does not offer the span of device/platform compatibility that I need.  Some folks who rely…

Olive and Jackson laying in the sun

New Additions

In April, our Boston Terrier, Clancy, passed away.  I’d had him for about 10 years and the loss was a very trying time for us.  Much of his odd behaviors and weird personality was the center of our lives.  We decided recently to foster Boston Terriers who were up for adoption by the Boston Terrier…

GTD Quick Reference Chart

Finding the Right GTD System

This is the first in a series of articles reviewing the best GTD applications and summarizing their features, then selecting a winner to replace my current GTD application. Years ago, a friend told me about the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology.  I had expressed frustration with trying to juggle everything going on in my life…

2013 Rocketman Triathlon

I headed down to Titusville, Florida this weekend for the inaugural Rocketman Half-Ironman Triathlon, which boasts one of the most unique race courses in the triathlon calendar.  The week leading up to the race had been constant rain storms and wind across most of Florida, so I had been watching the weather reports fairly actively…

Big Court Cases

It’s not uncommon for the U.S. Supreme Court to hear monumental court cases… it is the Supreme Court, of course.  This week stands to be a extraordinarily divisive week for one of two groups in the country as it hears both the Proposition 8 and DOMA cases.  I’ve been surprised, and for the most part…

David - Beard

Personal Goals for 2013

Sometimes I get so caught up working on web sites for other folks that I forget to show attention to my own.  I spent some time last month working through my personal goals for the new year.  In the grand scheme of things, New Years Resolutions tend to fall by the wayside for most people…