Halloween in Holly Springs
Last night was our first Halloween here in Holly Springs. My wife loves holidays, and this one ranks near the top. She loves to decorate and she lives for handing out candy to all the little kids in cute costumes.
When we moved into our new house in Jacksonville back in 2008, she bought the best candy, dragged a couple camping chairs out to the end of the driveway to await the kiddos. We had six people stop by for candy. Six. Seriously.
Aside from the fact that we were a dead end road in our neighborhood (albeit one with a full block or more of houses past ours), there was a local church that did a Trunk-and-Treat event near us on the same night, and we’re pretty certain a lot of the kids end up going to that. Regardless, it was a huge let down and she was devastated.
The following years were similar, I think we probably had 20-25 kids last year.
We probably saw between 250 and 300 kids last night. Little ones that were just learning to walk and older ones that are probably in high school. They just kept coming! Even after we ran out of candy (oops!) and turned the lights off, we occasionally got hopeful visitors testing the doorbell. It was a steady flow from 6pm to 8:30 or 8:45.
Brian had a blast — he dressed up as a skeleton — and got tons of candy that he really doesn’t need. We hung out with the grown-ups in adjoining houses and, as always, had a great time with them.
We’re already excited about next year!