Web Design Project

I used to run a fairly active side business that centered on web design and web development services. By the time we had our son, I began to lose interest in running my own business — I was never brave enough to quit my full-time job for it, and I wasn’t going to make the money I was making in my corporate positions.

I still have a couple clients that I host and for which I manage their web sites.

In July, the web master at my local Triumph club passed away unexpectedly. He and I had been talking for a few months about redesigning the web site, and I had already started setting up a test site for us to work on the next version of our club’s page. Since I already had administrator credentials, I was able to get into the site and explore around to determine what Gary had done with the site. It’s quite a bit harder trying to discover a site’s architecture rather than designing it yourself.

Within a couple of weeks, I had the site stabilized and was able to update the hosting account and domain registrar with new information. Now I’ll go back to working on the new site and hope to have that ready for a preview late this year. With any luck, I’ll have it online and live by New Years or shortly thereafter.

Our current site, like almost every other web page for little British car clubs, is very dated looking. As I was exploring other clubs’ web site to assess what kind of features/information they had, I was entertained by how many of them looked like they were straight out of the late 80s — some even had Under Construction gifs on them!