Hiking with the kids on our fall vacation

Life Reorganized

Life has been different here lately. Like basically every other family in America, the coronavirus pandemic has forced significant changes to the way we live. I haven’t traveled for work since January. My kids haven’t played with friends since March. They haven’t seen their grandparents in eight months.

Since my son is in virtual classes, he’s in school here at the house all day, and at six years of age, requires a fair amount of hand-holding. Throw my toddler daughter into the mix, and the day is a chaotic rodeo from about 7am until they’re in bed around 8:30pm each evening. Then my wife and I finish the work we didn’t get a chance to complete earlier. It’s exhausting.

This has triggered the reprioritization of everything in our lives too as we juggle the kids all day, work all evening, and essentially just try to catch our breaths and recover on the weekends. Most of my personal goals have gone by the wayside, things I was looking forward to doing this year are on hold indefinitely, and the less urgent things we need to do are a struggle to manage at times. Worse, the federal government’s reluctance to manage the crisis and a mediocre response by the state means there’s no real end in sight.

One of the things that I’ve had to set aside was writing. This is something I intended to do at least twice per month and was actually looking forward to, but it just doesn’t add enough value to prioritize it over other stuff. I’m trying to get back to it now.

My plan is to write at least two articles per month about the happenings in our life (family stuff, running and cycling, holidays) on my personal blog, and at least two articles of professional interest on my professional blog.

This seems doable. At least for now. Wish me luck?